Fortifying women against overwhelm

Fortify (verb):

To make strong and secure, to support and protect against attack, to increase nutritional value, to strengthen someone mentally or physically.

“Fortify” is a building term used either when a structure has weak spots and needs to be shored up to keep it from falling apart, or to brace a stable structure to withstand coming storms and natural disasters.

“Fortify” is also used in nutrition for adding in extra nutrients to maintain health and proper balance.

We as women all need to be fortified in different ways in different seasons of life. Whether you’re feeling threadbare and need some “shoring up” or you just want something extra to keep you strong and healthy, Threadbare To Thriving has something to fortify you.  More than simply “talk therapy” (which has it’s place, don’t get me wrong), here you’ll gain foundational knowledge and practical, actionable steps to take to ease your day-to-day functions.

Imagine waking up each day feeling equipped, capable and ready to tackle the day. Imagine ending the day feeling accomplished and successful and maybe even with some energy leftover. Imagine being fortified with skills to “roll with the punches,” meet the needs of those around you, and still end up with a little extra time for yourself. It is possible!

Are you a woman who spends most of her time supporting/carrying others? It’s time someone carried you! Taking time to invest in yourself is NOT selfish… it’s necessary for you to thrive FOR them. So grab some individually tailored time to get fortified and give the best of yourself to those around you. Customize your experience with the package and services that best meet your goals. (Check out the Services page for more info.)


Offering support and tools to fortify your skills in specific areas such as:

·        Time management

·        Organizing chaos/disorder, establishing order around you

· Developing a healthy relationship with “control”

·        Finding motivation to complete tasks and stop procrastinating

·        Setting good boundaries with your time, attention, commitments, and relationships

·        Creating more healthy routines and habits

·        Improving communication

·        And more


(And it’s FREE!)

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You belong here.

Have Questions? Book a Free Discovery call to learn how to start your journey to thriving today!

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Threadbare To Thriving Est. 2020
