
Meet Ashley

Ashley Grice has been helping women and families thrive since she was first licensed in 2006.

She has been a presenter with TRUE Stories Ministries at women’s retreats across the United States since 2015. 

Ashley is an artist who likes to work in acrylic painting, drawing, and paper art.  She loves Jesus, hot tea, WWII history, British film/TV (especially mysteries and period dramas) and has traveled to every continent of the world but Antarctica.  She describes herself as a once shy and insecure girl who found her voice and is not afraid to tell her story.  She is a picture thinker, likes deep conversations and doesn’t waste time on the short version (though she does prefer watching the movie over reading the book sometimes).  Ashley has a passion for helping women thrive, realize their value, and be equipped to live life to the fullest in any season.



My Story

I stumbled into business in 2006 after I was licensed to provide programs for learning struggles. I didn’t plan to be an entrepreneur and wasn’t confident in my abilities to run a thriving business, but I kept moving forward anyway. I wanted to help families thrive. My expertise grew to include 1:1 training with moms who needed some fortification to support their struggling kiddos. I realized my passion for working specifically with women and a dream began to take shape. But I needed more life experience and training first. I added another license for life skills and executive functioning. Slowly, the Lord put more pieces into place and fortified my own knowledge and abilities. But some of this came through great pain.

In 2009, while overseas I contracted a chronic mystery illness which lasted for 10+ years and meant I almost had to close my business more than once. Those sudden physical limitations and being unable to work for long periods left me feeling like a failure. I just couldn’t do what a typical person in their 20’s could. My understanding of my value and identity was shaken as we faced some deep family trauma. I spent years suffocating under the weight of expectations. The solution (or so I thought)? I worked harder, became a master over-committer, and wore myself out completely!

In 2014, right in the midst of this dark season, I found TRUE Stories Ministries. I began unpacking my story through Jesus’ perspective and allowing Him to replace the lies I believed with His truth. What I believed about my identity directly impacted my daily decisions in big ways. As God healed brokenness in my story, He healed my body too. Then I started applying in my own life the powerful skills I had been teaching others. (Better late than never, I guess!) All of this fortified me with tools to help other women be fortified in their stories and daily lives, because I’ve lived it myself. Now I share my story at women’s retreats all around the U.S. and through the small group curriculum I co-authored with the rest of the TRUE Stories team in 2021.

Shortly after writing the curriculum, the Lord opened the door for me to pivot my business away from my original licensure to focus solely on fortifying women and more intentionally helping the Body of Christ be well. Now I’m excited to combine my personal + ministry + professional experience into my new faith-based “Fortified To Thrive” program and package options!

Core Values:

1.       Honesty – transparency and truth build trust and integrity

2.       Listening – everyone has value and deserves to be heard and respected

3. Work-life balance – I practice what I teach

My Mission:

Helping the Body of Christ be well, one woman at a time.


Get Fortified

Are you a woman who wants to thrive?  I would love to work with you! 

This is a safe and judgement-free place to discover your true value and gain that extra oomph to tackle the daily with ease.  Learn how to set healthy boundaries that free you up to do what you were hand-crafted to do.  Confidently model for your family how to thrive and be well in life, in work, and in relationships.


Your season is not your identity!

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Threadbare To Thriving Est. 2020